February 10, 2013
Interviewed on W3W3.com
Last week Larry Nelson, co-founder of W3W3.com made the trip up to Boulder to catch up and do a podcast interview with me. If you are in the entrepreneural community in Colorado, you've probably met Larry and his co-founder Pat. Larry is the guy in the sharp looking suit at every event taking photos of everyone. His joke is that the photos go up on the website for free, but you have to pay to get them removed.
I'm fascinated by the work that Larry and Pat have done, because he has documented so many companies in Colorado and beyond. I keep telling him someone needs to interview him so he can tell his story, and while he was here, I created the world's shortest podcast.
To listen to the interview that Larry did with me where we talked about Gold Systems' new Vonetix 7 Voice product, click here. Be sure and check out http://www.w3w3.com including the Entrepreneurs, Software and Venture Capital Channels. If you would like to get your company name in front of business leaders from Colorado and beyond, ask Larry about sponsoring on of these channels.
February 10, 2013 in Unified Communications, Vonetix 7 | Permalink | TrackBack
December 29, 2011
Gold Systems is hiring
With just a couple of days left in 2011, I have to say I think that 2012 is going to be a great year. At Gold Systems we have a new product, Vonetix 7 Voice, and business is really starting to take off. We beat our sales goals for Q4 by a wide margin, and we're going into Q1 with a LOT of opportunity. To say I'm thankful would be an understatement. 2011 was challenging and I'm hugely grateful to everyone who helped us end the year on an upswing.
Now we're looking for some great people to join our engineering group. We're mainly looking for .NET and IVR people, but check out our job postings at the Gold Systems website and if it looks interesting, shoot us an email.
To all my friends and business associates - have a Happy New Year and I hope to see you in 2012!
December 29, 2011 in Entrepreneurship, Unified Communications, Vonetix 7, Web/Tech | Permalink | TrackBack
April 02, 2011
Customer Satisfaction Software
I took a vacation day Friday because after a very busy couple of months at work, I just needed some free time outside to clear my head, think, and to not do the day-to-day stuff. I went for an easy run in the morning, took my wife out to lunch and then played music, worked on a few projects and just relaxed. It was a very satisfying day.
The reason I've been so busy lately is that at Gold Systems our newest product, Vonetix 7, is starting to get a LOT of attention, both from customers and partners. I've been traveling and doing demos, working with sales people on new opportunities, and spending a lot of time at my white-board-wall sketching out how all the pieces fit together. The product is already deployed at some very, very large enterprises and is continuing to evolve. It's different from anything in use today, though it is replacing old systems and architectures that have been in place for a long time. My challenge has been to describe what the product is as simply as possible.
Saturday morning, I woke up at 6:00 AM, wide awake, with the words "Customer Satisfaction Software" rolling around in my head. I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I got up and decided to write it down.
My career has been about helping people communicate, and generally it has been about helping large companies or government organizations communicate with their customers. In the beginning it was people calling companies on the telephone, and I remember when "improving customer service" meant eliminating busy signals and answering calls twenty-four hours a day. It meant reducing the amount of time a customer had to spend listing to bad music while being told over and over again how important they were.
Call Centers became Contact Centers as they started handling emails and then web chats. TLA's (Three Letter Acronyms) were everywhere - ACD, IVR, CRM, SEO, PBX, TXT, ICR. Some of the technology worked together, but most didn't, and what started out as a customer service initiative became an exercise in customer annoyance.
As I woke up this morning the thought was running through my head that we DON'T need more customer contact software, or worse, customer management software, we need customer SATISFACTION software. Even that's not quite right, because we are always going to need people in the equation, but it's a start. Vonetix 7 is customer satisfaction software. I like it!
April 2, 2011 in Unified Communications, Vonetix 7 | Permalink | TrackBack