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May 16, 2013
I've flown 152,820 miles since 1-13-09
According to tripit.com, I've flown 152,820 miles since January 13, 2009.
I'm a big fan of tripit.com. If you travel at all, you should check it out because it is the very best way I've found to organize travel information such as flights, hotel reservations and rental cars. When I book a flight, I get an email from the airline. I then forward that email to [email protected] and it magically puts it into my intenerary for that trip. Same thing for other reservations. Then while I'm traveling I can use the web or a mobile device to look and see where I need to be next. It's even smart enough to tell me if a flight is delayed and it will suggest alternate flights. They also make it easy to print a paper copy, just in case the electronics fail, and you can easily email your travel plans to other people.
This afternoon I was planning a quick business trip and I noticed that Tripit also keeps track of total trips and miles flown. Here are my stats since I joined Tripit January 13, 2009.
That's a lot of miles, even though many people fly a lot more than I do. This year I've done a lot of customer visits and a couple of personal trips. In the past four years and four months, I've flown the equivalent of a little more than six times around the world, at the equator. Again, I know people who fly way more than me, but I was surprised at just how many miles I've flown. I wish I knew how many miles I've flown in my life! United says I've flown 555,171 miles just with them, not including all the flights that they didn't credit me for, so maybe the total is a million or more. Wow, I've probably flown more miles than I've driven!
May 16, 2013 in Travel | Permalink
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