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August 15, 2011
Carmin Turco is playing in Boulder Tuesday night
Carmin Turco is an entrepreneur, and I met him when TechStars selected him and his partner Sebastian Replanski as one of the very first companies that they brought to Boulder in 2007. I soon learned that Carmin was also a musician, and a very good one at that, with tours and CDs in his background. We became good friends and now he's making a quick trip through Boulder this week, and he's got a gig where you can hear him play.
Carmin will be playing at the Rock N Soul Cafe Tuesday August 16th at 7:30 PM. The Rock N Soul is a nice little venue with lots of live music, located at 5290 Arapahoe in Boulder.
I'll be there, and I hope you can make it too.
August 15, 2011 in Entrepreneurship | Permalink
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