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March 23, 2011

Gold Systems Vonetix Interview on Microsoft Channel 9

A few weeks ago I was in Redmond and did an interview with Larry Larsen at Microsoft's Channel 9. It was a lot of fun, and Larry and Kai made it so easy. Larry was interested in how Gold Systems had used Microsoft developer tools and the Microsoft Lync platform to build our new Vonetix 7 Voice product, and he did a great job of capturing the kinds of applications we can build, as well as the tool and platform underneath the applications.

I'm amazed to see that as I write this, the interview has had over 12,000 views and it just went up on four days ago! Wow, thank you Larry, Kai, Albert and everyone else at Microsoft for giving me this opportunity to talk about Gold Systems and our newest product!

For more information on Microsoft Lync, go to http://www.microsoft.com/lync

March 23, 2011 | Permalink


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