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July 01, 2009

Kindle in the cockpit

I mentioned in my post about "The New, New Kindle" that I had seen a photograph of the Kindle displaying an approach plate, but that it had disappeared.  Russ Still commented on the post to say that Airbrief.com is doing an open beta, providing pilots with the approach plates for the Kindle.  Below is a photo from Airbrief showing how the plates look on the Kindle.  If you are a pilot or just interested in aviation, also check out GoldSealFlight.Com and if you use Airbrief.com, I'd be interested in hearing about it too.  It's been a long time since I sat in the front seat of an airplane, but I like keeping up with it and thinking about the day when I'll do it again.

Chart-comparison from airbriefdotcom 

Update #1:  Russ just emailed me to let me know you can get a free copy of the 2009 FAR for the Kindle right here, and it works on the DX as well as the Kindle 2.  For the Kindle DX, they have the Airplane Flying Handbook and Instrument Flying Handbook as well.  The Kindle just became a "Must Have" for pilots I think.

July 1, 2009 in Web/Tech | Permalink


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