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November 12, 2008

Tom Evslin for FCC Chairman

I don’t think I’ve ever ripped off someone else’s blog post before, but I can’t say it any better than Brad Feld does, and it is for a good cause so I don’t think he’ll mind.  Brad just wrote a post, and quoted Om Malik, who suggests that Tom Evslin should be our next FCC Chairman.

Tom writes a blog about a lot of things – life in Vermont, Energy (Alternative and otherwise), politics and how the Internet is transforming telecom and everything else, particularly in rural American.  He’s also an author and wrote hackoff.com, a novel about the internet bubble. 

I find that I often forward Tom’s posts because they are always well thought out, detailed enough to be believable but clear enough to make you go, “well that makes a lot of sense.”  Besides having the smarts and experience, he’s from the other side of the isle from President-elect Obama yet he seems open-minded enough to be just the sort of non-partisan public servant we need in this country.

Here’s Brad’s post on why he believes Tom should be seriously considered.  I’m happy to be a part of the drumbeat.

Brad writes, “I didn't come up with this idea - Om Malik did.  But he's absolutely right - Obama needs to look outside the beltway for many key positions, including FCC Chair.  Tom Evslin is an absolute star in my book and as Om states:

"Tom Evslin, who is a retired telecom executive, is the kind of person I would expect to be in the FCC. He knows the machinations of the big companies and at the same time is an Internet liberal who can keep broadband providers and their anti-consumer tricks under check."

While Tom graciously responded in his post The Importance of the FCC that "[he's] flattered although neither a likely choice (that's an understatement) nor a candidate" help me and Om start a real drumbeat.  Obama was elected on a platform of change - let's bring some completely fresh leadership and thinking into the mix.”


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November 12, 2008 | Permalink


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