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June 02, 2008
FJ Cruiser Car Computer V4 Install Begins . . .
I began the install of V4 of the car computer this weekend.
First the old radio is removed. Because of the great job Woody did installing V1, everything unplugs and I have a wiring harness ready to plug in for the most part. I had to add a few connectors.
Here I have the old harness connected to the new harness that came with the Xenarc display and radio combo. I labeled several wires that weren't labeled before - I know I'm going to be in there again soon and I want to make it as easy as possible.
I've learned to test before bolting everything back into the dash. I always put a fire extinguisher and a telephone next to the FJ before reconnecting the battery. I'm not THAT confident in my wiring ability.
It will be nice to have a backup camera again.
This is not really a computer - it's a combination radio/CD player, with a motorized touchscreen that will connect to the computer, which is going to be installed elsewhere.
I have to say that the Xenarc MDT-X7000 display for radio is pretty ugly. It looks more like a Commodore 64. Hopefully Xenarc will update the firmware and improve it.
I made good progress this weekend, but I didn't get the actual computer installed yet. I went to wire in the power supply for the computer and I realized that mp3car.com had sent me two of one harness and none of the other harness that was supposed to ship with the power supply. Now I'm going to be delayed another week at least as I try to get the harness. Of course it isn't a standard plug . . .
June 2, 2008 in Car Computer | Permalink
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Blimey, you're not kidding when you call the radio UI ugly! I can't believe anyone would put that on sale thinking it'd please anybody.
Posted by: Chris Davies | Jun 2, 2008 9:56:44 AM