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February 11, 2008

Windows Server 2008

On Friday we went live at Gold Systems with Windows Server 2008.  I don't mean it's running in a lab, I mean it went into our production environment.  I knew something was up when I saw that "this is so cool" look on Ned's face, so I stopped in his office to see what he was working on.  He said the install went better than any server deployment he's ever done, and he's been around the block a few times, on lots of different platforms.  He's taken our beautiful server room with hundreds of blinking lights and virtuallized so much hardware that we now have more iron in storage than we do in racks.  Windows Server 2008 is just going to make it that much easier for us to consolidate and simplify our infrastructure, and the virtualization means that we can put up new servers for developers very, very quickly.

We'll probably always have an environment that includes all sorts of different servers and operating systems, because that's the environment our customers have, but in our own production environment we just knocked out two more BSD boxes, with only one left in service.  I can't say I understand all the technical details, and why Ned is so excited about Hyper-V, so here's a link I found that explains how Windows Server 2008, virtualization and Hyper-V come together.

On Saturday I got an email from Ned saying, "Server 2008 Rocks! This is by far the best Server OS I've ever used!"  With all the grief that Microsoft has got over Vista (more on that in a future post) it's nice to see that it looks like they've nailed it with Windows Server 2008.  I had suggested to Ned that he should do a guest blog post on this, because he's so proud of the improvements he's made in our infrastructure, but I think he's got his eye on another server to virtualize, and he'd rather do that than write about it.

February 11, 2008 in Web/Tech | Permalink


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Glad it's working out for you guys so well =) If you happen to have any questions, there's Heroes Happen Here launch events all around the US and we'll have experts on hand to answer questions about the OS.

Fred Reckling
Microsoft 2008 Joint Launch Team

Posted by: FredAtMicrosoft | Feb 13, 2008 5:32:39 PM