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December 28, 2007
A dream come true . . .
I think one of the keys to happiness is to be thankful for what we already have. I travel a lot and sometimes I forget what a privilege it is, even with the increased security and crowded flights.
Here is a video about a guy in Deli, India, who bought a retired Airbus A300 and put it in his yard so kids can achieve their dream of sitting in an airplane. The video reports that 99% of Indians have never boarded an airplane, and that hundreds visit the plane every week. Think about that next time you fly and see if you don't feel a little bit better about your life.
Mr. Gupta, I'm sure you are inspiring a lot of future engineers and airline pilots. Well done!
December 28, 2007 in Travel | Permalink
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Dude, this is awesome! Does anyone know how much he paid for the plane. I would love to buy one for the kids in my city - Chennai, India!
Posted by: Senith | Dec 29, 2007 9:45:25 AM
Cool story - I try to remind myself that air travel is still a pretty amazing phenomenon even though the specialness of it has been largely sucked out of it by the TSA and the frequency with which I travel.
Coincidentally, while I was back East visiting family last week I noticed that a childhood friend of mine had a Zamboni parked in his front lawn with a "Merry Christmas" sign on it.
Perhaps Connecticut will see a similar uptick in Christian, ice-rink maintenance personnel as a result...
Posted by: adamb | Jan 2, 2008 8:45:04 AM