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August 01, 2007

FJ Car Computer give-away

The TMC Internet and Telephony Conference and Expo is giving away a 'Tricked Out' FJ Cruiser.  No, it's not mine but I'd like to compare notes with whoever wins it or to hear from anyone who sees it.  The caption says it is the "ultimate connected car of the future" with Bluetooth, GPS, satellite, WiFi, DVD and more.

Toyota My sister sent me another photo of a Blue FJ that had a dog ramp.  I'd like to credit the photo, but I couldn't find an online reference to the company.

My FJ remains off-line I'm afraid, but progress is being made and I hope to have it back on-line yet this month with a much faster processor and some new capabilites.


August 1, 2007 in Car Computer | Permalink


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i life in KSA...
& i have new car FJ
but i need to bay the Bluetooth, GPS, satellite, WiFi, DVD.

But i don't now how...??

tell me

Posted by: rayed | Nov 25, 2007 8:02:21 PM