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February 28, 2007

We're hiring - Gold Systems in the News

I get an email alert whenever Gold Systems is mentioned in a press release or when we show up on a website or blog.  Today I received a link to a press release that Rally Software put out announcing a recruiting event that we're partnering on with a couple of other local companies.  You can read the press release here.  (I have no idea who said that Gold Systems "has been hailed as one of Colorado's biggest high-tech success," though the statement that we've "helped automate more than a billion telephone calls around the world" is probably an understatement.  We can only guess at the number, but I would think it is even more than a billion.

                       HELP WANTED!   HELP WANTED!   HELP WANTED!


Just making sure you're still with me.  Gold Systems is looking for great people to expand our engineering and IT groups.  We need a variety of people because we develop with a variety of great companies, including Avaya, Cisco and Microsoft.

Ideally you know exactly what we do, you have experience and can step in and be happy and productive very quickly, but we consider people without industry experience too.  You don't have to live in Boulder, Colorado either, but if you've always wanted to live here, nows your chance.  We have remote people all over the country and while you'd miss our snow, we can make that work too.

I've written a lot about the importance of culture and values on this blog and on the Gold Systems website.  Here's the deal though - it takes work, it's a constant challenge and not everyone is or will be happy at Gold Systems, or any other company for that matter.  We've got more work than ever before and our market and our business is changing in a big way that I'm very excited about.  Check us out, and if you think you could be a part of what we're doing, email me and I'll make sure you get considered.  Or just stop by the recruiting event on March 7th, between 5:30 and 7:30 PM at the Westin in Westminster.

February 28, 2007 in Speech Recognition | Permalink


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» Gold Systems is hiring - come work with "the gotspeech guy" from Marshall Harrison - "the gotspeech guy"
As you know I have recently joined Gold Systems and I'm now into my third day on the new job. I was excited [Read More]

Tracked on Feb 28, 2007 1:02:39 PM

» Gold Systems is hiring - come work with "the gotspeech guy" from Marshall Harrison - "the gotspeech guy"
As you know I have recently joined Gold Systems and I'm now into my third day on the new job. I was excited [Read More]

Tracked on Feb 28, 2007 2:03:19 PM

» Kudos to Terry Gold from Rediscovering the Obvious
Little round-about here, but I'd like to extend kudos to Terry Gold for the highly professional and courteous [Read More]

Tracked on Mar 5, 2007 11:27:52 AM


I'm spreading the word, Terry. I know some really wonderful people who may or may not be a good fit. It's like playing matchmaker: Hmmm, who can I send to Gold Systems . . . I wish you well with the search.

Posted by: Verna | Feb 28, 2007 10:04:05 PM