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November 03, 2006

Helping the community, one blog at a time

Yesterday I was part of a panel talking to a great group of local non-profit organizations.  Jesse Sarles from Channel Four, Seth Levine from Mobius Venture Capital and I were asked to talk about The Wave of the Future – Non-Traditional Media - Utilizing the Internet, blogs and other non-traditional media to get the word out. 

It was exciting to meet so many people who are dedicating their time and energy to helping other people in the community.  It also re-enforced my belief that this technology stuff is still way too hard.  More than one person said that they have websites that someone developed for them and now they aren't able to update it for themselves.  Most though had their websites and email working and were just curious about how blogging might help them get their word out to more people.

I think that starting a blog can still be pretty easy, but I'd like to offer these good people a hand.  If you can spend a tiny amount of your time helping one of these non-profits get started, drop me an email at [email protected] and I'll help you get connected.  If you are a non-profit looking for help, email me too and I'll see if I can find someone who can help you get started.  It really isn't that hard to do.

November 3, 2006 in Weblogs | Permalink


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» This is so cool from Marshall Harrison - "the gotspeech guy"
Terry Gold posted this on his blog just the other day - http://www.terrygold.com/t/2006/11/on_the_road.html... [Read More]

Tracked on Nov 4, 2006 7:56:32 AM
