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November 14, 2006

Happy Zune Day!

It's even nicer than I expected!

Update 1 There is new Zune software, it doesn't plug in to Windows Media Player.  The screen isn't much bigger than a video iPod, but it looks a lot better.  That's my opinion and everyone else who has seen the two side by side that I've talked to.  The software did a great job of pulling in my old playlists and now it is searching for all my missing album art.  Very cool.

Update 2 I'm still very happy with the Zune.  One thing I haven't seen mentioned is that the Zune software can monitor multiple folders for new content.  What this means is that you can use a podcatcher to automatically update the Zune with podcasts.  I've done something else with it that I couldn't do with iTunes, as far as I know.  I set up a directory on each of my computers called Zune that I sync using www.foldershare.com.  Now I can drop a photo, video, mp3 or podcast into the directory on any of my computers (including the FJ!) and it will automatically sync to the Zune next time I plug in.

There has already been a lot written about the Zune so it should be easy to find plenty of information online, but many of the early "reviews" were written by people who already had a bias and didn't own a Zune.  The website Zunescene.com has a good list of reviews and while most people seem to love their Zune, it does seem fairly balanced.  There's also a blog by one of the Zune Team members that I just discovered.

Here's where I see this going.  The Zune is the first mainstream, connected media player and it is going to evolve from here.  I imagine that the Zune will be updated with new firmware throughout its lifespan, just as the iPod has been updated.  With a built-in WiFi radio, all sorts of new capabilities are possible.  Right now it is a bright-screened, better sounding, easy-to-use serious competitor to the iPod.  I can't wait to see what updates are in store over the next few months.

November 14, 2006 in Web/Tech | Permalink


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» Zune info from Richard Sprague WebLog
I don't have a Zune (like Terry does ), but here are some links about it that I'm following: how to subscribe [Read More]

Tracked on Nov 30, 2006 2:25:38 PM


I coulda guessed you'd blog about it immediately. Are people knocking on your day asking if they can play at your house? You've got all the best new toys!

Have fun, Terry.

Posted by: Verna Wilder | Nov 14, 2006 8:30:23 PM