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September 06, 2006

w3w3 at the Applied Trust Party

Larry Nelson from w3w3.com. checkout his website!  And Appliedtrust.com - thanks everyone for a great event!

September 6, 2006 in Entrepreneurship | Permalink


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It's good that you are so technically sharp...because a photographer you are not. It was great to see you and so many others at the Applied Trust party...wow, it was great.

Now if you want to see some sharp photos of the event you'll have to check these out...
http://w3w3.lifepics.com/common/album/viewalbum.cfm?albumid=LP~5D02500745035A&hash=10F9B610-A679-4016-9EE1-3FD1658F82D5 or if that is too long, try this...http://www.w3w3.com/2006_Events/00_Events.htm

And of course it was great to see you Amy's surprise B'Day party...it was even better to see your wife...we have to stop meeting like this...
Larry & Pat

Posted by: Larry & Pat | Sep 7, 2006 9:32:32 PM