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September 20, 2006
An introduction to my new friend and Editor at Large
I can't quite reconstruct when I first met her, and to be totally accurate, I haven't met her yet, but some months ago Verna Wilder left her first comment on my blog. In July, she left another comment and I found her blog for the first time. Wow. <--- I put that link in with full knowledge that you might not get back to this post. That's fine, it happens to me all the time. Tonight I found myself reading about Zen Koans for 20 minutes thanks to Verna's latest post.)
I admire Verna's writing ability, but I especially admire her honesty and willingness to say what she's thinking. I find now that I save her posts for when I have the time to appreciate the work that goes into them. (I assume she works at it, but then maybe she just dashes it off and the words just fall perfectly into place.) Verna loves writing and it shows.
Verna has a new business as a copy-editor that's doing well, even though she's agreed to be my Editor At Large, for . . . well . . . free. Or at least I haven't received a bill yet. The deal is that she reads my posts when she gets a chance, and then points out the most obvious errors. If you read one of my posts right after I write it, and you find a mistake, then it is mine, not hers. Thank you Verna - I'm not a good enough writer myself to describe your writing, but I enjoy it very much and I appreciate that you are putting it out in public for others to enjoy.
September 20, 2006 in Blogging | Permalink
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If Verna ever doesn't have time, keep me in mind :) I am a professional proofreader and editor who blogs about motherhood, parenting, green and frugal living, and my addiction to social media at Dagmar's momsense (http://DagmarBleasdale.com).
Posted by: Dagmar Bleasdale | Nov 8, 2009 1:33:48 AM