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February 27, 2006
Help Wanted
And now for a short comercial break . . .
Gold Systems is off to a great start this year, and we're hiring again. If you know of someone who would be a great Sales Engineer for us, I'd appreciate it if you would refer them to us. They can read more about the company here, and open job postings are here.
February 27, 2006 in Entrepreneurship | Permalink
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very nice blog, quite interesting.
as a matter of curiosity i always look at job openings, even if these could be outdated or out of area. this one seems to be in a different dimension =;) - seriously: id=169 leads to an error page, it looks like it shoud point to 176. fight the linkrot!
your letter at goldsys.com and your entries here are very pleasantly unlike the majority of so called "entrepreneurs" in this area. thank you very much.
Posted by: eckartt | Apr 11, 2006 12:44:39 PM