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May 27, 2005

Why Business People Speak Like Idiots

Since I wrote my post on Jarbarish, I've been getting a lot of examples of how we as business people often don't speak clearly.

I haven't read this book yet, but I like the title:  Why Business People Speak Like Idiots:   A Bullfighter's Guide.  It has great reviews on amazon.com, so I'm putting it on my wishlist. 

May 27, 2005 in Entrepreneurship | Permalink


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You'll be glad to hear: awareness of this issue is spreading, now including a Newsweek article and another wish-list book for you.

"Today's corporations, news media, educators — and, perhaps most troubling, politicians — speak to us and to each other in clichéd, impenetrable, lifeless babble.

In Death Sentences, Don Watson takes up the fight against... the contemporary Newspeak Orwell could not have imagined. Published in Australia in November 2003, Death Sentences gained a massive following among the legions of bright, sensitive people who Could Not Take It Anymore. It remains a national bestseller."


Posted by: Laura Quam | Jul 19, 2005 12:33:57 PM